Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Quickie Post

Whenever I'm out, I make it a point to visit Watsons. A habit, I guess. Anyway, I was browsing as usual and discovered this "1-week special" promotion for Majolica Majorca Lash King Mascara.

After doing the girly math, it's a good 35% discount! $16.80 for a relatively new (and limited edition) Majolica Majorca Mascara is a pretty good deal. Do act fast. The promotion is only until this coming wed, 28 Mar.

MJ fans, go-go-go!

As mentioned in my latest LOTD post, I was trying to haul "necessarily". Here I am, with a totally unnecessary haul. Do I need a new mascara? A big fat 'NO'. I bought this set of ZA Impact Lash Base and Mascara for only $18.50 (there's additional 7% discount till end March I think)... that's why :x

Having had very good experience with ZA Cutie Curl Volume Mascara, I'm glad to say that this is as good! *happy*

As for the tweezers, I bought it for $4.90 at a random shop. Not exactly cheap since this is not some well-known brand. Hope that it works for me >.< *fingers crossed*



*Note: Products highlighted are provided by beauty company for review purpose.


    1. i love ZA Cutie Curl Volume Mascara too! gives volume and curls like its name suggest. but i have never seen it being raved before =/

    2. i've been through so many mascaras. it's really good and is one of the few that i repurchased. hmm... the new one is not bad, in my opinion (:
