Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Haraju-Cute Box - Looking for Big Alluring Eye?

[Haraju-Cute Box - Looking for Big Alluring Eye?]

Time flew by so quickly, it's already nearing the end of Nov. Apologies for the lack of posts for the past week. Anyway, in this post, I will be featuring the 2nd Haraju-Cute Box that was sent to me quite sometime ago. 

The theme of this Haraju-Cute Box is "Looking for Big Alluring Eye?". And, the brand focus is AB and Bonavoce
Products I received:

  • AB Mezical Fiber Double Eyelid Tape 30pc - REVIEW
  • AB Double Eye Rubber 
  • Bonavoce Premium Liquid Eyeliner - Extra Black (actually I opted for Ultra Long Mascara...) - REVIEW

I'll start with the review of Automatic Beauty (AB) Double Eye Rubber.

Apparently, you don't have to risk going under the knife, to get parallel eyelids... though it's not permanent. hehAB Double Eye Rubber is an eyelid glue, which creates natural-looking double eyelids instantly. It is perfect for puffy single eyelids... and double eyelids as well! It is no wonder it is so well-loved by Japanese models and beauty guru, Kevin 老師.

Let's say... if your double eyelids are not prominent enough, you can use it to extend the crease area. For uneven aka big-small eyes like me, you can use it to "adjust" the eyelids to make the eyes look more even. For droopy upper eyelids, it can be used to visibly "lift" the eyes, to make you look more awake. For single eyelids, you can now enjoy (temporary) double eyelids! Woohoo~

The eyelid glue is packaged like an eyelash glue. In fact, it can double up as one.

***image credits to***

I followed the instructions for "wide dramatic double eyelids" and was really pleased with the results!

  1. The eyelid glue must be applied directly to cleansed skin, to ensure the rubber to adhere properly.
  2. When applied along the desired crease line, the eyelid glue is white and liquidy.
  3. It'll gradually turn translucent when completely dry. While maintaining squinted eyes, gently apply pressure along the desired crease with shaping stick, when the glue is semi-translucent (approx. 1-2 min).
  4. Then, slowly open eyes, glancing upwards. Oh yay~ Double eyelids! 

I find that it is relatively easy to use, creating double eyelids instantly, for big alluring eyes. Plus, it doesn't irritate the skin at all. It is hardly visible with eye makeup unless you scrutinize real closely. It is quite lasting, with no touch-ups required.

To remove, just soak the eye makeup with oil-based eye makeup remover. It will come off easily, and doesn't tug the skin at all. No worries, it is that easy to remove. 

AB Double Eye Rubber retails for $17.90 at Haraju-Cute counters at selected Guardian stores.

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