Thursday, August 11, 2011

My "New" Amainoo Schedule Book; Uber Cuteness!

I got this Amainoo Schedule Book more than a month ago, @ Artbox (ION Orchard). That explains why it's "new".

After much deliberation, I decided to get this out of so many. Not that many actually. It was literally "love at first sight". hehehe~ :p

Btw, the "snow effect" was created by me, the lil' sticker was added by me too. Very personalized, no? lololol xD

Came to know about this series of schedule book thru' Chantana. I so had to get one since it was under $10. And most importantly, it is uber cute!

Glad to say, I've been using it diligently so far. I've the habit of ditching...... *ahems* Yups. Think you get the drift eh.

Photo-spam for now.

Dimensions: length 17.3cm x width 9.5cm

Details: 22 monthly plan, 22 weekly plan


(*Credits to this website for the above unmarked images and info.)

Pretty useful and travel-friendly. If you love cute stuff like I do, you'll adore this.


  1. Love it, but I've stopped using schedule books, I still have some BN ones at home...

  2. (: i like the front cover!! (:

  3. muah haha! The dog(?) with the pink fluff and colored sprinklers on its head is hilarious!

  4. uber cuteness! :D

  5. Kim, I have almost new ones at home too lol. Hope I'm consistent with this!

    Dooey89, me too! ^.^

    Hazel, it's a poodle I guess?! hahaha! Sooo cuteee!

    Makeupjunkett, yea UBER!
