Monday, February 20, 2012

Test-Driving: Majolica Majorca Lash King Mascara

Earlier on, I mentioned that the Majolica Majorca Lash King Mascara was out in Watsons. If you're interested in getting 'em, they are still available (many actually). I'm a fan of MM mascaras for years - my top favorite being the Lash Expander Frame Plus. Well, I'm fan of any mascaras which can make my lashes look dolly (long & volumized). To be able to maintain the curls is a must! Waterproof... smudge-proof... and the list goes on...

***image credits to***

Just sharing my 2 cents worth on Lash King Mascara, since I tried it only once (1 coat without curling my lashes prior application).

  • the formula is wet but doesn't really take long to dry
  • imparts a nice glossy black effect on my lashes
  • slightly lengthens and curls my lashes
  • doesn't add volume to my lashes at all
  • doesn't weigh my lashes
  • no smudges/flakes at the end of day
  • easy to remove with an oil-based makeup remover


To sum it up, it is a pretty normal mascara (in my opinion). Nothing too special to entice me to part with my cash.

Lash King? Hmm... Probably not?


  1. On a side note, I love how your eyebrows are shaped and filled.. Do you mind sharing how you did 'em?? :)

  2. Thanks Amyrleex! Sure, I'll do a quick post on that soon (:
