Friday, September 2, 2011

Bio-essence Shape V Face Challenge with Xiao Kai Lao Shi 小凱老師

This was my 1st time participating in Bio-essence 100-ppl Challenge. And, I registered with the clear intention of meeting Xiao Kai Lao Shi 小凱老師 in person. My wish was granted with a lovely bonus: taking photo with him! V.memorable moment indeed.. *grins*

"V-Face, V-V-V, Look Younger."

I went there bare-faced.. and regretted when I saw Catherine with makeup -.-

And so, I decided to do my makeup on the spot. Nothing new. I'm very used to putting on makeup in the public.

The headband was too small for my head. The BA had a hard time putting on the headband on me while I nearly teared coz it was sooo painful.. :s

Prince Charming decked in white, arrived!

The lucky lady who got some skin-pampering from Xiao Kai 小凱.. *envious*

Hmm.. while we got skin-pampering from the allocated BAs.. >.<~~

Another lucky girl.. How I wished I was up on stage.. :s

He's so near, yet so far.. lololol!


That's Bio-essence Face Lifting Cream Model Cake! It's freaking huge as you can see from the blurry photo above. Couldn't get a good shot since I was seated pretty far behind. That costs a whopping $500! @.@!

Yet another lucky lady! Catherine!

His mesmerizing smile.. Aww..

Man-in-white; from head to toe!

Looking like a wax figurine here; a v.charming one.

Final photo of Xiao Kai Lao Shi 小凱老師.. Hope he'll come S'pore soon! Ahh.. I totally forgot to bring along his makeup book to this event.. *facepalm*

That's us sipping red wine at Tampines Mall Atrium. Epic much.

Bio-essence goodies.

Btw, I'll be doing a giveaway soon. Yay or Nay?


  1. hahah verlyn! most of your pictures are of that spokesperson guy in many different angles! u totally went camera-crazy, huh! and yes to the giveaway, of course!

  2. YES! This post is dedicated to a photo-spam of him hehehe! I took like almost 100 photos of him =x Giveaway soon *promise*

  3. Yay for giveaway ;-)

  4. Xiao Kai Lao Shi is handsome wor! *swoons*
    Oh! YAY to the giveaway!! :D

  5. Yups very! Stay tuned to the giveaway! ^.~

  6. Love his FLYAWAY hairdo! hahax~ As handsome as always, he is! =D
    BTW, where the kissing pic that i heard?! Hehehxx~

  7. hehehe handsomeee max! aiya that one is fake de la.. =s
