Friday, September 9, 2011

My 8-Days Jewel Ash Hair

That fateful day (24.08.11), I had the sudden urge to change my hair color.

Well, I couldn't stand the sight of the black roots.

And so, I decided to use Dariya Palty Girl Hair Color (Jewel Ash) which I gotten with the Mist Bleach Hair Spray (CLICK HERE for review).

A rough gauge of what color result you'll be getting, according to your hair color.

Comes with a free perfume cream.

A sweet fruity scent.

The hair color results.

Ashy feel yea.

I like the ashy feel it gives to my hair which doesn't make my complexion look dull. Jones did mention that this hair color look nicer than the previous one.

Arghh.. I hate the application part coz the product is far too little for my SHORT hair! I need at least 2?! *faints* If you've really long hair, you'll need at least 4 of this.. =.=" Besides, the comb applicator (cap) wasn't of much use. A separate comb is recommended to evenly distribute the hair color.

Surprisingly, my hair was really smooth and easily manageable after the hair color process. Had that lingering floral fruity scent which I really like!

My jewel ash hair lasted for 8 days coz...

I changed my hair color again :x


  1. Wah,your hair is so short need 2 ar?
    I think last time I used one enough sia..

  2. ya.. definitely need more than 1.. too little for my hair..
